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  • 更新时间: 2018-8-25 15:40:22
  • 阅读人数: 已有5170人关注

澳大利亚移民局于2012年7月1日开始启用澳洲EOI评分标准,EOI(Express of Interest)是一种新的技术移民签证邀请制度。





澳洲EOI评分标准适用于澳大利亚技术移民189、190、489签证类别,通过分60分。 下面介绍EOI评分细则,对于没有澳洲学历和工作经历的申请人来说,主要是针对年龄、学历、工作经验和语言成绩这几方面,当然能拿到配偶加分就更好了。

 - 18-24岁:25分
 - 25-32岁:30分
 - 33-39岁:25分
 - 40-44岁:15分
 - 45-49岁:0分

 Overseas work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation
 - 3-5年相关工作经验(过去10年):5分
 - 5-8年相关工作经验(过去10年):10分
 - 8-10年相关工作经验(过去10年):15分

 Australian work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation
 - 1-3年相关工作经历(过去10年):5分
 - 3-5年相关工作经验(过去10年):10分
 - 5-8年相关工作经验(过去10年):15分
 - 8-10年相关工作经验(过去10年):20分

 English language ability (认可的考试类型有IELTS/OET/TOEFL iBT/PTE Academic/CAE,成绩单有效期3年。)
 - 雅思单项4个6分的水平(Competent English ) :0分
 - 雅思单项4个7分的水平(Proficient English) :10分
 - 雅思单项4个8分的水平(Superior English) :20分

5、在澳洲学习(Australian study requirement)
 - 澳大利亚学位、文凭或者技工学历:5分
 One or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications awarded by an Australian educational institution and meet the Australian study requirement

 - 博士:20分
 Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or other doctorate of a recognised standard
 - 学士/硕士:15分
 At least a bachelor degree from an Australian educational institution or other degree of a recognised standard
 - 文凭或技工学历:10分
 Diploma or trade qualification completed in Australia
 - 评估机构授予的学历:10分
 An award or qualification recognised by the assessing authority in the assessment of the skilled occupation

7、特殊专业(Specialist Education Qualification)
 - 两个学年的澳洲硕士或博士:5分
 Post Graduate Degree by Research through a course or courses taken for at least two academic years at an Australian educational institution. Field of Education:
 • Biological Sciences
 • Chemical Sciences
 • Earth Sciences
 • Mathematical Sciences
 • Natural and Physical Sciences
 • Other Natural and Physical Sciences
 • Physics and Astronomy
 • Computer Science
 • Information Systems
 • Information Technology
 • Other Information Technology
 • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
 • Civil Engineering
 • Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology
 • Engineering and Related Technologies
 • Geomatic Engineering
 • Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
 • Maritime Engineering and Technology
 • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Technology
 • Other Engineering and Related Technologies
 • Process and Resources Engineering

 Credentialled community language qualifications
 - NAATI二级认证:5分
 To receive points, you must provide evidence that the authority has accredited you as a translator or interpreter at the paraprofessional level or above.

 Study in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area (excluding distance education)
 - 作为全日制学生在偏远地区学习和居住至少2年:5分
 You can receive five points if each of the following applied:
 • you met the Australian Study requirement
 • if you have lived and studied in regional Australia or a low population-growth metropolitan area
 • none of the study undertaken constituted distance education.

10、其他——配偶加分(Partner skill qualifications)——加5分
 - 50周岁以下
 were under 50 years of age
 - 至少雅思单项4个6分的英语能力
 had at least competent English
 - 提名一个和主申请的提名职业在同一职业清单的职业
 had nominated an occupation on the same skilled occupation list as your nominated occupation
 - 通过相关职业评估结构的职业评估
 had been assessed by the relevant assessing authority as having suitable skills for the nominated occupation.

 Sponsorship by family or state or territory government to regional Australia
 - 489偏远地区州领地或者亲属担保:10分
 Nomination by state or territory government or sponsorship by an eligible family member,to reside and work in a specified/designated area (visa subclass 489 only)

11、其他——职业年(Professional Year)
 - 4年内完成至少12个月的职业年课程:5分
 Professional year in Australia for at least 12 months in the four years before the day you were invited to apply

 Sponsorship by state or territory government
 - 190州领担保:5分
 Nomination by state or territory government (visa subclass 190 only)

- 澳洲489签证(偏远地区技术移民)
- ​澳洲189独立技术移民签证
- 澳洲EOI评分标准
- 澳洲190技术移民签证
- 澳洲EOI申请流程

上一篇: 澳洲489签证(偏远地区技术移民)
下一篇: 澳洲EOI申请流程
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